Return to Play Plan, News (North Simcoe Girls Hockey Association)

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Sep 07, 2020 | Tico Kock | 1064 views
Return to Play Plan
Dear North Simcoe Capitals Families,

We thank you for your patience as we navigate these unknown times in programming and scheduling to get our players back on the ice. We have a Return to Play Committee working within the OHF and OWHA guidelines as well as the NSSRC and public health guidelines to create a safe and fluid Return to Play plan for the upcoming 2020/2021 season.

Please note that our plans could change and evolve as we go with any new and changing updates that COVID-19 may bring, therefore, the plan that we share with you today may change as we move through the season at any given time with very little notice. Our goal for this season is to encourage skill development in a fun and safe environment for all levels of play. The following is an outline of our season to date:

  • No tryouts are permitted at this time. Therefore, there will be no rep and house league divisions. We have made the decision to combine our players to allow all players to develop and play the game they love. Player evaluations may be used to determine practice groups and balanced scrimmage teams.

  • Players will be placed in a Bubble of no more than 50 individuals for development skates, practice and scrimmages based on their age and division.

  • The 2020/2021 Hockey Season will take place in 2 seasons. 

    • Season 1: September - December. Season 1 will start with a two week development skate period (bubbles with more than one group will be divided alphabetically, weekly practice groups (based on skill level and balanced groups depending on the division and numbers)  and weekly 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 scrimmages within the NSGHA organization. 

    • Season 2: January - March. Season 2 will be organized the same way  with hopes to reset our Bubbles with other organizations within our own public health unit to create small leagues of 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 games.  This will be pending approval from OWHA.

  • Teams will be made up of 10 players or close to this number. 1 Goalie and 9 skaters. Some teams may need to share goalies within their designated Bubble. Association goalie equipment cannot be shared amongst players. 

  • Games will be 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 depending on team numbers in each division.

  • Players may be required to move up or down a division based on registration numbers to help balance division numbers. 

  • Coaches, trainers and players can only be rostered to one Bubble. 

  • Extra development skates will be offered to skaters in individual Bubbles on a rotating basis for an additional fee.

  • If the season is cancelled at any point in time due to COVID-19 a pro-rated refund will be determined. 


Season Time Lines:

  1. Season 1: September 14 - December 23, 2020

    1. Sept 14 - Sept 27: Development skates 2 times a week. Players will be divided alphabetically into 2 practice groups within each bubble (Midget and Bantams kept separate in 3 practice groups)

    2. Sept. 28 - Dec 23: One development skate and one 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 game within individual Bubbles in the NSGHA per week.  

    3. U7 will have practices once a week.

    4. Registration Fee: $450.00 (U9-017): Option to pay in installments. First payment of $225.00 by Sept 14th, Second payment of $225.00 by September 28th., $250.00 (U7): First payment of $125.00  by Sept 14th and second payment of $125.00 by September 28th.

    5. Christmas Break and Quarantine Period

  2. Season 2: January 4 - March 31, 2021 

    1. Tiered 3 on 3 play with other centres within our public health unit.

    2. New Bubbles of 50 players will be created with other centers of the same skill and division levels.

    3. One practice and one home game per week.

    4. U7 will continue with practices once a week with possible games with one other centre if the Bubble number permits at this time. 

    5. Season 2 is pending on approval from OWHA at this time. If not approved, then practices and games will continue as stated in Season 1.

    6. Registration Fee: $400.00 (U9-017), $200.00 (U7) due prior to the first skate.

Registration Opting Out and Refund Policy:

  • If you are currently registered with NSGHA and have decided to no longer play this season please email the registrar at [email protected] prior to September 11. This decision will be final for Season 1.

  • Registration has been re-opened until Sept. 11th for anyone wanting to join.

  • As stated above, if the season is cancelled at any point in time due to COVID-19 a pro-rated refund will be determined.

  • A pro-rated refund will be determined for any player who decides to no longer play after the September 11th opt out deadline.

Arena and Changeroom Protocols:

  • Prior to arriving at the NSSRC, the parent and player must fill out the Acknowledgement, Release, Indemnity, and Assumption of Risk and COVID-10 Screening Questionnaire found on the NSSRC website and OWHA Health Screening Questionnaire found on the NSGHA website.

  • Parents and players will have to sign in with the arena staff and again with the coach to attest that all waivers have been signed and attendance is taken for each on ice activity.

  • Players and parents are to enter the front doors of the NSSRC and sign in 15 minutes prior to ice time with their masks.

  • Players and parents are to follow the proper signage in the area of the lobby where players will sit in the chairs 6 feet apart for putting skates and helmet on. Player masks can be removed once the helmet is on.

  • Changerooms are not available at this time. Players must come dressed in full gear. 

  • Only one ice surface is available at this time.

  • Player attendance will be taken by the head coach prior to entering the ice.

  • Skaters will enter the ice surface from the stands and exit from the player benches.

  • Parents are allowed in the building to help tie skates but must leave promptly. No spectators are allowed at this time in accordance with the public health guidelines.

  • Players are to bring their own water bottles. The water filling stations are the arena are closed.

Coaching Staff, Player and Parent Responsibilities

The Return to Play plan is like no other hockey season experienced by our staff, players and parents. We are all navigating new routines, rules and procedures to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Please note and practice the following the responsibilities for each group. Also remember that each individual has a different comfort level during these times and it is imperative to be respectful to everyone involved.

  1. Coaching Staff Responsibilities:

    1. Coaching staff will arrive 15 minutes prior to practices and games to monitor player safety in the lobby, take attendance with the Session Participation Tracking Sheet and to help tie skates.

    2. Coaching staff must maintain 2 Deep Rule at all times.

    3. Coaching staff must wear a mask in the NSSRC and on the bench. Coaching staff may choose to remove the mask while on ice during practices.

    4. Coaching staff will ensure physical distance is being followed by all on the ice and bench.

    5. No coaching staff will attend if they or anyone in their contact have any symptoms of COVID-19. If tested positive for COVID-19, Coaching staff must follow public health guidelines and not return until a negative test is confirmed and all symptoms are gone. If tested negative for COVID-19, coaching staff can return once all symptoms are gone.

  2. Player Responsibilities:

    1. Players are to fill all waivers prior to arriving to the NSSRC.

    2. Players must follow physical distancing while on and off the ice at all times,

    3. Players must wear a mask while in the NSSRC until they put their helmets on to go on the ice. 

    4. Players must sign in with their coach.

    5. Players will only use their own water bottles.

    6. If a player starts to feel unwell while on the ice, the player is to notify the ice and the player will be removed immediately. A parent will be called immediately to pick up their child. A doctor’s note must be submitted to return to play.

    7. No player will attend if they or anyone in their contact have any symptoms of COVID-19. If tested positive for COVID-19, the player must follow public health guidelines and not return until a negative test is confirmed and all symptoms are gone. If tested negative for COVID-19, the player can return once all symptoms are gone.

    3. Parent Responsibilities:

    1. Parents are to bring their player 15 minutes prior to ice time. 

    2. Parents are to remind their player to maintain physical distancing while on and off the ice.

    3. Parents are to ensure all player waivers are filled out prior to each practice and game.

    4. Parents are to wear masks while in the NSSRC.

    5. Parents are able to enter the building and leave promptly. No spectators allowed at this time.

    6. Parents are responsible for cleaning their player equipment, water bottles and jerseys after each practice / game. 

    7. Parents will not send their player if they or anyone in their contact  have any symptoms of COVID-19. If tested positive for COVID-19, the player must follow public health guidelines and not return until a negative test is confirmed and all symptoms are gone. If tested negative for COVID-19, the player can return once all symptoms are gone.


Coaching Selection

At this time the selected 2020/2021 Rep Head coaches will lead the development skates and practices. Additional coaching staff will be in contact to assist in the development skates, practice and games.

A reminder that one female and one trainer must be present on the bench during all games. This person game can be shared amongst the two teams.

Season 1 Bubbles



Practice Plan

Game Plan


U18- 17 players

1 practice group

2 teams, play 3 on 3, share goalies with U15


U15- 27 players

2 practice groups based on skill level

3 balanced teams, 3 on 3 play, share goalies with U17


U13-34 players

Possibly moving up some U11 based on an independent evaluation.

2 practice groups based on skill level or balanced groups

4 balanced teams, 4 on 4 play, share goalies


U11 - 22 players

U9 -14 players

chosen by independent evaluator

2 practice groups based on skills level or balanced groups

4 balanced teams, 4 on 4 play, share goalies


U7 - 16 players

1 practice group

Bubbles are fluid and subject to change based on final numbers, ice time, player development and CoVid restrictions.


Installment #1  for Sept 14th - Dec 23rd is due on or before September 14th, 2020 
Division U9 - U17 $225.00
Division U7  $125.00
Installment #2 for Sept 14th - Dec 23rd is due on or before September 28th, 2020
Division U9-U17  $225.00
Division U7     $125.00
Any player who has not paid at least the 1st installment, will not be allowed on the ice.
As per previous seasons for players who are awaiting financial assistance, the first $60 per player is required to be paid, before the player can be on the ice, to cover insurance.
Payment is accepted via E-transfer to [email protected]
Password must be NSGHA1