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North Simcoe Girls Hockey Association
Amended: May 22, 2019
1.1. The name of the organization shall be called the North Simcoe Girls Hockey Association (NSGHA).
· To develop and encourage sportsmanship, team spirit and fair play.
· To provide hockey instruction and competition for girls and woman.
· To foster and improve recreation for all players regardless of ability.
· To promote interest and involvement in ice hockey for girls and women.
3.1. NSGHA is a member of the Ontario Woman’s Hockey Association (OWHA), which is the governing body of female hockey in Ontario.
4.1. Membership in the NSGHA shall include the following:
· Any female hockey player fully registered (full registration fee must be paid in full) and their parents.
· Any member of the current Executive.
· Approved rostered staff.
· Membership can be rescinded for just cause by a majority vote of the executive.
5.1. There shall be an Association Executive consisting of :
· President
· Immediate Past-President
· Vice President
· Secretary
· Treasurer
· Registrar
· Director of Rep
· Director of House League
· Director of Teams & Coaches
· Referee Assigner (non-voting member)
· Ice Scheduler (non-voting member)
· Director of Equipment
· Director of Player Development
· Web Master (voting member)
· Director of League Sponsorship & Fundraising
· Maximum two Directors at Large (should not be given out until all required NSGHA executive positions are filled first.
6.1. The election of Directors shall take place at the AGM. No election or appointment of a Board Member is effective without consent given in writing prior to the election or appointment. Nomination forms for the Board shall be available each year from the Secretary or from the website by January 1st. A nomination form must be completed by all nominees and two (2) nominators who are Members of the Association. Such completed form must be delivered to the Secretary prior to March 31.
6.2. The Board shall post on the Association website, a listing of all individuals who have been nominated for election to the Board of Directors on or before April 15th of each year. Such listing shall identify what position each nominee is seeking.
6.3. Executive members will be elected for a two year term. Half the positions will be filled in the even calendar year and the other half of the positions will be filled in the odd calendar year.
6.4. Executive positions as outlined in sec. 5.1 will be filled at the AGM.
6.5. The naming of the new executive will be posted on the NSGHA website.
6.6. Vacancies on the Association Executive may be filled by the Association Executive members subject to a majority vote. All such vacancies must be ratified at a properly called Association Executive meeting.
6.7. In order to assume the role of President, the candidate must have previously served one (1) year on the NSGHA Executive. Where none of the present Executive is able to accept this position, nominations will be accepted from the membership at the AGM.
6.8. In the event of more than one person wanting to assume an executive position, the executive will vote and majority rules. The immediate Past President will cast the tie breaking vote.
6.9. A Quorum will consist of fifty per cent plus one member. For annual, special or general meetings a quorum shall be constituted whenever 50% plus 1 of Association Executive members is present.
6.10. The President shall be responsible for calling Association meetings, however; any two Association Executive members may call an emergency meeting of the Association Executive. It is the responsibility of the Executive members to attend such meetings.
6.11. The Association Executive may hold a special meeting to consider whether any member should be expelled for just cause with a majority vote. The reasons for the proposed expulsion will be reviewed during the meeting. Such member shall be given full opportunity to be present and be heard.
6.12. The Association Executive will set the policies and procedures for the Association.
6.13. Any Association member associated directly or indirectly with a particular team shall not be permitted to bring any matter before the executive regarding the team. Issues or concerns must be presented through appropriate channels as outlined in the attached policies and procedures.
6.14. Should any given Board member miss more than two consecutive meeting without reasonable grounds, the members may move to remove them from their assigned role
7.1. An AGM of the membership will be held at least once a year, no later than the end of June.
7.2. The AGM will include a financial statement and an election of new Association Executive for the coming season.
7.3. The NSGHA fiscal year end is April 30th.
7.4. 1 proxy vote is assigned per approved registered roster player. The proxy vote must be the legal guardian of the approved registered roster player.
7.5. 1 vote per non-parent, approved, registered coaching staff.
7.6. Ballots for secret ballot voting will be allotted by the registrar accordingly.
7.7. The AGM can only be called by the Association Executive at a minimum two weeks prior and notice of the meeting will be posted on the NSGHA website.
8.1. Registration with the NSGHA is required prior to any participation in league activities.
8.2. All registrations will be done in accordance with NSGHA Policies and Procedures.
9.1. Changes to the Constitution or Policies and Procedures can only be made at the AGM
9.2. To suggest any changes or modifications to the Constitution or Policies and Procedures the Notice of Motion form must be completed and submitted to the Secretary at least 2 weeks prior to the AGM. The Notice of Motion will be posted on the Associations website.
9.3. The Association Executive would be informed of the proposed change prior to the AGM by the Secretary via email.
9.4. All approved amendments will be updated and posted to the website within 2 weeks of the AGM.
10.1. All activities under the jurisdiction of the NSGHA shall be governed by the NSGHA policies and procedures.