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North Simcoe Girls Hockey Association (NSGHA)
Policies & Procedures
Amended: June 18th 2024
1. ARTICLE ONE: Duties of Association Executive Members
2. ARTICLE TWO: Registration
3. ARTICLE THREE: Permission to Skate Forms
4. ARTICLE FOUR: Player Release Forms
6. ARTICLE SIX: Team Problems or Concerns
7. ARTICLE SEVEN: Issue or Concerns Regarding the NSGHA Association
8. ARTICLE EIGHT: Confidentiality
9. ARTICLE NINE: Disciplinary Action
10. ARTICLE TEN: Appeal Tribunal
11. ARTICLE ELEVEN: Alcohol and Nonmedical Use of Drugs
12. ARTTICLE TWELVE: Dressing Room
13. ARTICLE THIRTEEN: Coaches - Bench Staff Conduct / Responsibilities / Qualifications / Selection
15. ARTICLE FIFTEEN: House League Team
16. ARTICLE SIXTEEN: League Fundraising
17. ARTICLE SEVENTEEN: Team Manager Responsibilities
All Executive members are to have a completed police check.
1.1. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the Association.
1.2. The President shall keep informed of all matters pertaining to the business of the Association and be kept informed by all Association Executive of developments and situations within the organization.
1.3. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association Executive and the AGM.
1.4. The President shall represent the Association to all other bodies or events and reserves the right to appoint any person to carry out this duty on behalf of the President including the OWHA.
1.5. The President may appoint persons to Discipline Boards, Appeal Tribunals and protest Committees.
1.6. The President may designate the Vice President who shall carry out the duties of the President, when the President is absent or unable to act.
1.7. The President must have been an active member of the Association Executive.
2.1. The Vice President shall assist the President and assume duties of the President in his/her absence.
2.2. The Vice President shall manage ice allotment with Scheduler to ensure all teams are assigned the expected hours of practices.
2.3. The Vice President may perform other duties and responsibilities as may from time to time be prescribed by the Association Executive.
3.1. The Immediate Past President will serve as an advisory role, shall assist the Association in carrying out its objectives and shall be a voting member.
4.1. The Secretary shall record and preserve the minutes of all Association Executive meetings including the AGM and forward minutes to members of the executive.
4.2. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings.
5.1. The Treasurer shall collect and records all funds received by the Association and shall record and pay all accounts.
5.2. The Treasurer shall have joint signing authority together with another designated Association Executive to pay all accounts.
5.3. The Treasurer shall be responsible for applying for all grants and for distributing, monitoring and accounting for any funds received.
5.4. The Treasurer shall keep under review the financial position of the Association and will make recommendations to the executive for maximizing of revenues and minimizing of expenditures at executive meetings.
5.5. The Treasurer will present a budget at the first meeting following the AGM.
5.6. The Treasurer will present at the AGM a financial statement.
6.1. The Registrar is responsible to ensure all girls/teams are registered in accordance with NSGHA/OWHA guidelines.
6.2. The Registrar will comprise a mass email list of the league and its members from player registrations.
6.3. The Registrar is responsible for coordinating registration dates and location and informing the league membership. This is to be done using mass email, the league website and local advertising.
6.4. The Registrar is to keep the league informed of Association business through mass email.
6.5. The Registrar will receive requests from team coaching staff for reimbursement of coaches / trainer courses. They will confirm that the members requesting reimbursement are rostered with the team. They will forward to the board for approval. Reimbursements per team will be limited to 2 unless approved before hand by board. If approved they will forward the request for reimbursement to the Treasurer.
6.6. The Registrar will make up the other set of eyes for accounting purposes.
7.1. The Director of Rep will act as the league liaison between NSGHA rep teams, Southern OWHA and the OWHA concerning all matters.
7.2. The Director of Rep will attend all required Southern OWHA meetings on behalf of the NSGHA.
7.3. The Director of Rep will ensure all pertinent information received from the Southern OWHA and OWHA is forwarded to the appropriate executive member/s.
7.4. The Director of Rep will oversee the Rep program and will be the primary contact for issues or concerns related with the program.
8.1. The Director of House League will oversee the house league program and will be the primary contact for issues or concerns related to the program.
8.2. The Director of House League will act as the league liaison between NSGHA and the SMGHL House League Coordinator.
9.1. The Director of Teams and Coaches will organize and oversee the coaching selection process as per article 12 of this document. This will include receiving coaching applications, organizing interviews, determine interview questions, organizing an interview panel and leading the selection process.
9.2. The Director of Teams and Coaches will ensure all team bench staff are properly licensed and have completed their criminal background check. Requests for bench staff to take coach/ trainer courses for reimbursement should be forwarded to the Registrar for approval.
9.3. The Director of Teams and Coaches will be the liaison between the NSGHA executive and team coaching staff. They will keep teams informed through mass email.
9.4. The Director of Teams and Coaches will ensure all teams have equal and sufficient numbers. Due to the organization size The Director of Teams and Coaches may have to move players to different categories to fill teams according to OWHA rules.
10.1. The Director of League Sponsorship and Fundraising shall keep a record of all team sponsors and work with the Director of Equipment to ensure that all teams have the appropriate jersey bars.
10.2. The Director of League Sponsorship and Fundraising will act as the liaison between the NSGHA and Sponsors.
10.3. The Director of League Sponsorship and Fundraising will ensure monies are collected from league sponsors and they receive their sponsorship plaque along with a thank you letter for their contribution to the league.
10.4. The Director of League Sponsorship and Fundraising shall be responsible for coordinating all fundraising for the league. They will also coordinate any volunteers assisting with such fundraising.
10.5. The Director of League Sponsorship and Fundraising will keep an accurate record of all fundraising done throughout a season and will give the documentation and money to the Treasurer.
11. REFEREE SCHEDULER (non-voting member)
11.1. The Referee Scheduler will work with the Ice Scheduler to ensure that all league games are covered by the appropriate level of referee’s.
11.2. The Referee Scheduler is responsible to ensure the proper certification of all on ice officials.
11.3. The Referee Scheduler is responsible for advising the Association Executive of all suspensions and must be available to confer with the Executive and or Disciplinary Board for any suspensions.
11.4. The Referee Scheduler will schedule referees for all NSGHA exhibition games, regular season games, playoff games and local tournament.
11.5. The Referee Scheduler will be responsible for the payment of referees and work with the Treasurer on this matter.
11.6. The Referee Scheduler is a paid position. Remuneration will be set by the executive.
12. ICE SCHEDULER (non-voting member)
12.1. The Ice Scheduler shall be responsible for all leagues scheduling of ice time including practices, exhibition games, regular season games, playoff games and local tournament.
12.2. The Ice Scheduler shall provide the schedule in a document to the Web Master to have it posted on the NSGHA website.
12.3. The Ice Scheduler shall confirm all ice contracts along with the President.
12.4. The Ice Scheduler will confirm all ice time invoices for accuracy and forward to the Treasurer for payment.
12.5. The Ice Scheduler will schedule all timekeepers for all league exhibition games, regular season games, playoff games and local tournament.
12.6. The Ice Scheduler is a paid position. Remuneration will be set by the executive.
13.1. The Director of Equipment is responsible for the distribution, storage and upkeep of all Association owned equipment.
13.2. The Director of Equipment must keep the executive apprised of the condition of and/or equipment need.
13.3. The Director of Equipment will keep a list of all team representatives accepting league equipment with a full list of items borrowed.
13.4. The Director of Equipment will ensure that all items used by league teams are returned.
14.1. The Director of Player Development will organize player development camps and inform the league members of such camps available.
15.1. The Web Master is responsible for uploading any Association information forwarded from the executive to the NSGHA website. If a request is made to upload information from a non-executive member approval must be given by the executive.
15.2. The Web Master is responsible for managing and maintaining the website with the selected website provider.
16.1. Directors at large will assist the Association in carrying out its duties as assigned by the executive or President.
1. All players affiliated with the NSGHA must complete a NSGHA registration form online.
2. All girls must register in their own age group (shown below). Notwithstanding, the NSGHA Association Executive may authorize a girl to move up one division when there is either insufficient registration numbers or the player’s skill level is deemed to be superior and they are regarded as an Impact Player. See Article 13 sec.6 below.
3. In order to register for a new season, the player must be in good standing with the NSGHA (no outstanding debts or equipment owing to the league from the previous season).
4. The registration fee and rep fee will be set by the Association Executive prior to the beginning of the hockey season.
5. A legal proof of age document is required for each player’s original registration.
6. If full payment is not received at registration the player will not be allowed on the ice until full payment has been made. Payment includes registration fee, rep fees, late payments and NSF charges.
7. If a payment is returned NSF or not provided, the player will lose ice-time until the total account is paid.
8. If a player does not fulfill registration requirements the coach will be notified by the Association Executive and the player will not be eligible to play or practice until funds have been received.
9. House League Players: Withdrawal before September 1st, $100 deducted; September 1st to September 30th, $150 deducted; October 1st to October 31st, $200 deducted; November 1st to December 31st, $300 deducted; December 31st and beyond, no refund. If a player leaves after December 31st for medical reasons, a doctor’s note is required in order for the Association Executive to provide a refund.
10. Rep Players: No refunds on $500 acceptance deposits. After signing, but before September 1st, 25% of regular registration fees less acceptance deposit deducted; September 1st to October 31st, 50% of regular registration fees less acceptance deposit deducted; After November 1st, no refund. If a player leaves after December 31st for medical reasons, a doctor’s note is required in order for the Association Executive to provide a refund.
· Fundamentals 6 years and under
· U9 7 – 8 years
· U11 9 – 10 years
· U13 11 – 12 years
· U15 13 -14 years
· U18 15 – 17 years
1. A Permission to skate form is required if a player would like to try out for another female hockey organization.
2. These forms can only be signed by the President, Vice President or Director of Teams and Coaches. Approver cannot be related to the player
1. A player release form can only be signed by the President, Vice President or Director of Teams and Coaches. This form requires 2 signatures.
2. The request must be put in writing and submitted to the Association Executive. The Association Executive will have the opportunity to discuss a player release request before making a decision.
3. A release will not be given to a player owing money or equipment to the league.
1. The official colors of the NSGHA will be blue, white, black and bronze and logo will be similar to the Washington Capitals.
2. Organization apparel can be purchased by all members from an approved location. Approved NSGHA supplier information is on the NSGHA website.
3. If a team is interested in purchasing unapproved apparel (ex. different colors, different styles, and logo) or from an unapproved location, a written request must be submitted to the Association Executive and approved before proceeding. The Association Executive will have the opportunity to discuss such request before making a decision.
1. All NSGHA members must follow the “24 hour rule” before an issue or concern is addressed. The rule requires that a member wait a 24 hour “cooling off” period before raising an issue or concern.
2. All team problems or concerns should first be addressed with the team coach.
3. If the problem or concern is with a member of the team staff, speak to an alternate member of the staff first (coach, asst. coach or manager).
4. The staff will have an opportunity to discuss the issue or concern and arrange a meeting with the member. When discussing issues or concerns with members (parents, players) two members of the coaching staff should be present. The member may also request the attendance of two other people at such a meeting.
5. If unable to resolve the issue or not satisfied with the results, the member (player, parent, coaching staff) should forward the issue or concern to the relevant Director in writing (The Director of House League, The Director of Rep or The Director of Teams and Coaches). This may include an email. All submissions must be signed.
6. The Director will offer assistance with the issue or concern. The Director will review the NSGHA Policies and Procedures as a guideline after hearing the issue or concern. The Director may consult 2 other members of the Association Executive that have no direct association with any of the parties involved.
7. If the issue or concern is still not able to be resolved a request should be made to the Director to have the information presented to the Association Executive.
8. The Association Executive will meet and discuss the situation and will have the final vote as to what will take place. The results of such meeting will be sent to the member in writing or email from the Association Executive.
1. Issues or concerns regarding the operation of the NSGHA Association should be forwarded in writing to the President or the relevant Director pertaining to the issue or concern.
2. Written issues or concerns will be added in the agenda of the next Association Executive meeting.
3. Sufficient time will be allowed for the Association Executive for an investigation of the situation.
4. The results of such meeting will be sent to the member in writing or email from the Association Executive.
1. All issues or concerns raised will be dealt with in confidence by those responsible of handling them.
2. If possible only members of the Association Executive who are necessary for a resolution will be consulted and given sufficient information to make a decision. However this may not be possible and all members of the Association Executive may have to be informed to make a decision due to executive member numbers.
1. The President may appoint a disciplinary board consisting of 3 members of the Association Executive to investigate the following:
1.1. An OWHA suspension. Suspensions must be reported the Association Executive within 24 hours of the incident. Failure to do so could result in the suspension of the coach.
1.2. Unsportsmanlike conduct on or off the ice.
1.3. Theft of property belonging to the NSGHA or others.
1.4. Destruction or abuse of property belonging to the NSGHA or others.
1.5. Showing disrespect toward any game official, visiting team (players, coaches or parents) or coaching staff.
2. The disciplinary board will have the authority to apply a written warning or suspend members of the organization for such offences.
3. Members of the disciplinary board shall have no direct association with any of the parties involved.
4. Members of the disciplinary board will conduct itself with fairness and provide an opportunity for all parties to be heard.
5. For multiple/repeat offences the disciplinary board could issue a suspension for the balance of the season. If this occurs after Dec 31 no refund will be issued.
6. Members of the organization being investigated will be informed in writing of the disciplinary board’s decision after they have had sufficient time to discuss the situation.
7. Members of the organization being investigated will be reminded of the appeal option.
1. Person’s subject to disciplinary action have the option to appeal the decision of the disciplinary board.
2. The person must submit in writing, a motion to appeal the disciplinary action to the President within 72 hours of being notified from the disciplinary board.
3. The President will select 3 members of the Association Executive for the purpose of hearing an appeal. The President may choose to sit in personally and hear the appeal.
4. Members of the tribunal shall have no direct association with any of the parties involved.
5. Members of the tribunal will conduct itself with fairness and provide an opportunity for all parties to be heard.
6. Members of the organization being investigated will be informed in writing of the tribunal’s decision after they have had sufficient time to discuss the situation.
1. Any player attending an Association event found using alcohol or drugs for non-medical purposes will automatically be suspended until an investigation can be completed by the Association Executive.
2. The parent/guardian of the player will be immediately notified and left in charge of the player.
3. After the completion of an investigation the Association Executive could revoke the player’s membership with the organization with no refund.
1. The safety and comfort of girls playing in the NSGHA is a priority for the Association which starts in the dressing room. While the NSGHA allows some latitude at the Fundamentals/U9 level all other divisions should be following these rules:
a. No males allowed in the dressing room while the girls are changing. This includes members of the coaching staff.
b. Any device with picture taking capabilities is prohibited from being used in the Dressing Rooms.
c. A team mom and/or female trainer should be designated to monitor the dressing room at all times and not permit entry by males until girls are dressed.
d. Coaches may implement rules that allow them to enter the dressing room prior to a game once change room supervisors give the all clear. Late arrivals should change in the washroom but still must receive the green light to enter from the team mom or female trainer.
e. In accordance with the OWHA, NSGHA follows the ‘Two Deep Rule’. There must be at least 2 adult females in the dressing room at all times (for protection of the girls and parents) and these adults must ALWAYS be female. These change room supervisors must have a current criminal reference check with vulnerable sector screening no file with the NSGHA (this includes Fundamental and U9).
f. Monitoring includes prohibiting the use of cell phones and PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant).
g. The Head Coach is accountable for ensuring these rules are followed.
1.1. All coaching staff will conduct themselves with integrity and respect the individual rights of all players, officials, other coaching staff and members of the Association.
1.2. All coaching staff will strive to foster harmony, promote sportsmanship and player development.
1.3. Coaching staff will not direct any obscene, profane, abusive or threatening language or gestures to any players or others.
1.4. Coaching staff will maintain orderly conduct of all players at all times. Obscene, profane, abusive language or disruptive conduct by a player must not be tolerated.
1.5. Coaching staff will take all reasonable steps to safeguard any participant against harassment, abuse and bullying.
1.6. All coaching staff will read and familiarize themselves with the NSGHA Policies and Procedures and Constitution.
1.7. No camera phones in the change rooms.
1.8. Coaches and Team Officials are expected to learn and abide by the OWHA Speak Out policies
2.1. Coaches are expected to attend all games and practices. If a coach is continuously not present for games /practices, their position of coach could be subject to review of the Director of Teams and Coaches.
2.2. Coaches are expected to follow NSGHA policies and procedures. Failure to do so could result in suspension or removal as a coach within the organization.
2.3. Coaches and Managers will attend a pre-season meeting with NSGHA Executive including the Director of Rep and the Director of Teams / Coaches. They will be given a Coaches Handbook with all Policies and Procedures to follow.
2.4. In addition to 2.1.2 REP coaches will follow policies and procedures as defined by the Southern OWHA and the governing body of the OWHA.
2.5. In addition to 2.1.2 HL coaches will follow policies and procedures as defined by the BWHA House League program and the governing body of the OWHA.
2.6. Coaches / Bench Staff will be responsible for ensuring the payment of all debts incurred by the team. Teams must be prepared to provide a financial accounting of their activities when and if requested by the Association.
2.7. Coaches / Bench Staff will be responsible for the condition and return of league property (ex. team jerseys, equipment). Failure to maintain or return league equipment will result in restitution to repair or replace such items by the team.
2.8. Coaches must have all qualifications necessary to have appropriate OWHA status to coach.
2.9. Coaches / Bench Staff must have a police check and vulnerable sector screening complete and submitted to the League by Nov 15 of the current season. If not complete by this date, the Coach / Bench Staff will not be permitted to participate in any functions with the team including games, practices, tournaments or exhibition games.
2.10. Coaches / Bench Staff will be responsible to ensure all players have the proper equipment including neck guards and CSA approved helmets, and are wearing it at all times they are on the ice.
2.11. Coaches / Bench Staff will seek written medical clearance that a player is fit to return to the ice if they have been removed from the ice with a major injury. They will also ensure that they receive at minimum from the parent/guardian a verbal consent for the return of the player.
2.12. Coaches / Bench Staff will report any suspensions immediately to the relevant Director in writing (The Director of House League, The Director of Rep or The Director of Teams and Coaches). This includes an email.
2.13. Coaches / Bench Staff will always follow a 2 deep rule ensuring that (2) team officials are in the dressing room at all times and when speaking privately to an individual player.
2.14. Coaches / Bench Staff must wear helmet and gloves while on the ice.
2.15. Male Coaches / Bench Staff will not be allowed in the dressing room until a female member of the staff or female parent helper has confirmed that no player is changing and they are completely dressed.
2.16. Trainer will maintain all health information and any particular needs pertaining to players.
2.17. Trainer will shred/destroy all records of health information pertaining to players at the conclusion of the season.
2.18. Trainer will be the only bench staff allowed on the ice during a player injury unless signaled by the referee.
2.19. Trainer will have the final decision regarding players returning to play in a game after an injury. They cannot be overruled by anyone on the bench.
3.1. All teams must have registered, at least one coach with a minimum certification of NCCP “Coach” level. Requests for reimbursement for all certifications should be made to the Registrar (see Article 1 sec 6.5).
3.2. All NSGHA teams must have registered with their teams, a trainer who has a minimum HTCP level 1 certification (valid for 3 years).
3.3. All coaches and staff must have a current police record check done. Police checks are done through the Director of Teams and Coaches see Article 1 sec 9.2.
3.4. All OWHA registered teams must have at least one female bench staff registered.
3.5. Starting at U13 level, all AA teams must have at least one member of their coaching staff achieve NCCP Development 1 Certification.
4.1. All applications for coaching positions must be completed by submitting a NSGHA coach application found (online) on the NSGHA website. The final date in which applications will be accepted is on the form.
4.2. All rep coach applicants will perform an interview performed by the Director of Teams and Coaches and an interview panel. The members of the interview panel may be selected based on different merits unrelated to hockey and will be selected for an unbiased opinion. When possible members of the interview panel will not perform an interview with an applicant which may potentially coach their own child.
4.3. All applicants being interviewed will be asked an identical series of preselected questions.
4.4. The interview panel will score all applicants based on questions, qualifications and application. Based on the results the panel will make recommendations to the Association Executive for the coaching position.
4.5. The Association Executive is not bound by such recommendations.
4.6. Coaches will be selected and informed where possible prior to spring tryouts. If no coach can be found prior to tryouts the Director of Teams and Coaches will form a committee to select players for the team until a coach can be found.
4.7. If multiple applications are received for HL teams the applicants will be interviewed following the same procedure as above in sec. 4.2 through sec. 4.5.
4.8. All coaches will be responsible for selecting their own team bench staff and submitting the member’s names to the Directors of Teams and Coaches.
4.9. Head coaches for the current season and their contact information will be posted on the NSGHA website.
1.1. A team staff can consist of a maximum of seven staff members 2 of which must be Trainers. All OWHA registered teams must have at least one female bench staff registered.
· Head Coach
· Assistant Coach
· Assistant Coach
· Assistant Coach
· Trainer
· Backup Trainer
· Team Manager
1.2. It is recommended that a female Parent be selected to act as a change room supervisor. This person would require a current police record check done. Police checks are done through the Director of Teams and Coaches (see Article 1 sec 9.2).
2.1. Rep fees will be established annually by the Executive based on the cost of ice for practices and games, league fees, referee costs and any other reasonable cost approved by the Board. The initial cost will be based on 14 players per team. Fees can be increased to compensate for teams not carrying a full complement of players and or any unexpected additional costs.
2.2. A team fee may be established by a team that could include tournament entry fees, Provincials, equipment, warm up suits, timekeeper fees, transportation, specialized coaching or training and additional ice. Additional team fees must be approved by parents with a majority vote. One parent per player would have a vote.
2.3. Each team will have a team budget maintained by the Team Manager. The budget should be presented to the parents by the team staff. Team families must acknowledge, agree and sign. The budget needs to be submitted to the NSGHA Treasurer for review. The Team Manager shall maintain the budget and cash flow position of the team and must be able to supply this information to the NSGHA and all parents on a monthly basis.
2.4. Each team must submit for approval to the executive a list of intended fundraising activities.
2.5. The executive can request a 10% portion of all money raised by a team from fundraising. The money collected would be added to the organizations cash flow.
2.6. Proceeds from fundraising events must be used to offset approved budget expenditures. Fundraising is not mandatory, however only those players that participate in the fundraising event shall receive direct beneficial benefit. Parents wishing to pay their full share of team fees may opt out of fundraising plans.
2.7. Corporate sponsorship money received for a team will be divided equally amongst all players.
2.8. Team budgets must be finalized by the end of the team’s season. Monies owing must be paid in full by all players where applicable refunds will be issued with excess team cash. A record of finalized budgets must be kept and made available to the NSGHA Treasurer. Any outstanding payments owing by players must be reported to the Treasurer. Such players will be ineligible to register as per article 2 registration.
2.9. All NSGHA players are required to provide jersey deposits. These deposits are required before or at the time jerseys are issued to players. Players are responsible for the care and return of NSGHA’s jerseys in appropriate condition. Normal wear and tear is expected, however if jerseys are deemed damaged beyond normal wear and tear, or not returned at all, your deposit will be used to replace the jersey accordingly. The cheques are to recover the costs of damaged jerseys or not returned jerseys, and not for sale to a player who wants to keep. If a player wants to have their own jersey, they can purchase from the current NSGHA jersey provider. Rep teams are required to provide two separate cheques for $150 each, and post-dated for April 15, OR $300 cash. We must receive these deposits in order for your daughter to receive their jerseys and be able to play at the beginning of the year. If jerseys are given out without deposit then it is the Team Manager’s responsibility to provide post-dated cheques for the player.
3.1. The Head Coach is ultimately responsible for keeping parents informed. Communication may be done by web page, email, newsletters or parent meetings.
3.2. Except where timely intervention is required, parents and coaches must exercise and respect the “24 hour rule” after an incident before confronting each other with concerns or complaints.
3.3. It is strongly recommended that once a team has been selected a meeting be held to discuss team budgets, rules and expectations of the upcoming season.
4.1. The age limitations for each division are determined by the OWHA.
5.1. A player who is registered with another association must provide a signed Permission to Skate form before attending a tryout.
5.2. There will be tryouts for all rep teams.
5.3. All players should be selected with the objective of selecting the best team with the best players available, with the greatest amount of fairness.
5.4. All players must participate in tryouts unless excused by the team head coach and the Association Executive. The player may be excused for an injury or for other good cause. The player must pay for missed tryouts.
5.5. An absent player from tryouts may be evaluated on her past performance or performance to date in any tryouts she was able to attend.
5.6. The final selection of the team will be the responsibility of the head coach with appropriate input from additional evaluators. If the coach is not able to select the team a panel will be put together by the Director of Teams and Coaches to select the final team.
5.7. Each player will be given the opportunity for two on ice evaluations before being released from tryouts.
5.8. Players that are released from tryouts will be either notified in writing or verbally by the Coach / Bench Staff. Players may request a meeting with the head coach to discuss the details of why they were released.
5.9. Players requiring a release from another organization must submit the release in a timely manner. If the release is not produced the player’s position on the team will be rescinded and offered to the next ranked player.
5.10. If a player is offered a position with the rep team and refuses that position, the player is released directly to House League and is not eligible to try out for any additional rep teams within the NSGHA for the upcoming season.
5.11. Decisions for all age groups regarding a second representative team will be discussed and determined after the first team tryouts providing enough skaters participate in that first team tryout. The number of skaters required will be determined by the executive.
5.12. Only players released from the first team tryout will be eligible to try out for a second team.
6.1. The NSGHA encourages players to play in divisions within their age range as defined by the OWHA. The Association does however recognize there are rare exceptions where “Impact Players” should be given the opportunity to continue to grow and develop.
6.2. A younger player has the opportunity to play up on an equal or higher caliber team of a higher aged division (ex. U11 BB to U13 BB or U13 B to U15 BB) if they meet all criteria outlined in article 13 sec.6.9 Procedure and it is followed in its entirety. The only exception is if there is no competitive team in that age group. Ex: If a U9 competitive team cannot be fielded, then those U9 aged players would be allowed to try out for an U11 Competitive team.
6.3. The NSGHA acknowledges that this policy may result in a player not being able to play on the team of their choice and may result in the organization losing a highly skilled player to another association. The fact that a player states they will leave the organization if this policy is administered should not be a factor in decision making. The NSGHA is prepared to allow players to leave to play elsewhere if they feel they are too good to play for the organization.
6.4. Before a player can play up a level above their age category they must be evaluated by a qualified panel as a top 3 player at the highest level in their own age category. It is not seen as appropriate to significantly weaken a lower aged team by having a highly skilled player seeing limited duty playing for a higher aged group, thus impeding her skill development while weakening the lower aged team. If the lower aged team is to be significantly weakened by a player playing up then the higher aged team must be significantly strengthened by the player playing up. Otherwise a player of similar skill level has been displaced to a lower level team when they could have had a similar impact on the higher aged team as the younger aged player.
6.5. To play at the higher aged group the younger aged player must be regarded to be among the top 5 players of the selected higher aged team as evaluated by a qualified panel. It is the view of the Association that coaches should not be placed in awkward positions by over-zealous parents or by the perception of what is best for their team.
6.6. A qualified panel will be selected from neutral persons (minimum 2 people). Their decisions will be made for the wellbeing of the player involved and the Association as a whole. Coaches involved with the younger aged team and the older aged will be considered as an evaluator. Maturity as well as ability will be evaluated for decision making.
6.7. Movement in all divisions must only be permitted for players in their major year. Players will only be permitted to jump one division.
6.8. There are not to be more than one (1) player playing above their appropriate age group on any rep team.
6.9. A younger goalie has the opportunity to play up on an equal or higher caliber team of a higher aged division (ex. U11 BB to U13 BB or U13 B to U15 BB) if they meet all criteria outlined in article 13 sec.6.9 Procedure and it is followed in its entirety. The only exception is if there is no competitive team in that age group. Ex: If a U9 competitive team cannot be fielded, then those U9 aged players would be allowed to try out for an U11 Competitive team. Excluding: 6.10.3 the goalie must be assessed as the top goalie in her current age category. 6.10.5 The goalie must be regarded as the top goalie of the selected team and considered the starter.
6.10. Procedure:
6.10.1. Players interested in playing up must apply in writing to The Director of Rep, The Director of Teams and Coaches or the President before March 1 of the current year. This will allow the NSGHA ample time to organize qualified evaluators to access the player’s skill level during the current year.
6.10.2. The player must participate in tryouts for the highest caliber team within her own age category.
6.10.3. The first panel (could include Coaches of the players current team or Coach of the higher age group for the following year if selected) will evaluate the players skill level during a game playing for her current team or during tryouts for the highest caliber team within her own age category. The players stats if available can be used for reference. Interviews with parents, coaches and the player may occur to help determine whether the player’s maturity level is appropriate to be exposed to higher aged players. If assessed as a top 3 player in her current age category she will be given permission to participate in tryouts for an equal or higher caliber team of a higher aged division.
6.10.4. An invitation must be given from the Head Coach of the higher aged division team to attend the higher age group tryouts.
6.10.5. A second panel will evaluate the player at the higher age tryouts. The players must be regarded as a top 5 player of the selected team by the panel and the Head Coach of the higher age team.
6.10.6. If the player is released from the higher age team prior to the end of tryouts, she will return to her own age groups tryouts. If the player chooses not to play with the team within her own age group she will be given an OWHA release form from the NSGHA.
6.10.7. If the decision of the Head Coach is to invite the player to play up and she meets all criteria above the coach will inform The Director of Rep, The Director of Teams and Coaches or the President. All evaluator’s notes showing rankings will be provided to the Association. The case will be presented to the Association Executive for final approval.
6.10.8. A written notice of the decision will be provided by the Association Executive to the player’s parent or guardian.
6.10.9. The decision of the NSGHA Executive is final.
7.1. Rep teams will receive ice time as allocated by the Association Ice Scheduler. Ice allotment hours will be determined from the financial budget of the NSGHA determined by the Association Executive.
7.2. Typical ice time will include one or two practice times per week. Games will be in accordance with the Southern OWHA season schedule.
7.3. Each team can host up to two home exhibition games if ice allocation is available. Individual teams will be responsible for organizing the exhibition games with other centers. A request for ice times for exhibition games can be made directly from teams to the VP, Director Rep and Treasurer.
7.4. Playoff games will be in accordance with the Southern OWHA playoff schedule and the OWHA provincial playoff schedule.
7.5. Once a team is eliminated from Southern OWHA playoffs and OWHA provincial playoffs there season will be considered over and they will not be given anymore additional ice time. If a team had previously booked a tournament but has been eliminated from league playoff and provincial play down competition they will be given one practice a week until the tournament date.
7.6. If a rep team sources ice time above what has been allocated by the NSGHA they will be responsible for the entire cost. It cannot be made mandatory for all players to participate in extra ice slots and only those players using the ice will share in its cost. Extra ice cannot be paid for from team fees.
7.7. The Ice Scheduler must be notified immediately of cancelled home ice slots due to weather or other reason. If the Ice Scheduler is not notified and the league is charged the cost of ice slot that fee may be passed on to the team. The VP, Director Rep and Treasurer should also be copied. The Southern OWHA procedure for cancelled games will also be followed.
7.8. If a home game is cancelled due to weather and the NSGHA team is able to use the ice for a practice they are encouraged to do so.
7.9. It is the expectation and intention of the Association that all coaching staff shall aim for fairness, development opportunity, communication and enjoyment for the team and players. Playing time for every player will be reasonable for the most part except for special situations, e.g. penalty killing, power play and other game situations. Players should be given equal playing opportunity but that does not necessarily equate to equal ice time.
7.10 Teams will be managed to ensure that all players have a positive experience. Coaches, players, parents and league representatives should strive to represent the North Simcoe Girls Hockey Association in a first class manner. We expect our teams to exhibit good sportsmanship and class. Trash talking, inappropriate aggression towards other players and abuse of officials is not part of our culture and never should be.
8.1 A pickup player is a player who has been asked to play for a higher caliber and/or older aged category team within the NSGHA for the purpose of assisting that team when necessary. Rules and guidelines for pickup players will be in accordance with the Southern OWHA and OWHA policies and procedures. If using a pickup player for a Southern OWHA league game Southern OWHA policies will be followed. If using a pickup player in an OWHA sanctioned tournament OWHA policies will be followed.
8.2 Pickup players can be used throughout the season for games, practices and tournaments (playoff games are excluded as per Southern OWHA and OWHA rules) as long as both teams Head Coaches and the players Parent/Guardian are informed and agree to the affiliation.
8.3 All pick up players must be recorded on an OWHA approved roster. If not on an OWHA current roster, then full registration fees must be paid and roster updated prior to skating with the team.
8.4 Pick up players can be signed to a fill a rooster for a short bench, injuries, adding a goalie, etc. up to the maximum allowable players per team. All Southern OWHA and OWHA rules for playing must be followed. Player additions must be approved by the Association Executive. Fees will be determined by the Executive.
9.1 Each rep Head Coach (or designate) must attend the Southern OWHA scheduling meeting. Information about the date for the meeting will be provided to the Head Coach by the Association Executive when made available.
9.2 Prior to the meeting available ice times will be provided to the Head Coach by the Ice Scheduler.
9.3 Immediately after the scheduling meeting the confirmed game schedule must be submitted to the Ice Scheduler to be added into the master schedule.
10.1 Each Rep team may participate in up to five (5) OWHA sanctioned tournaments (including tournaments based in the US). Provincials are not considered as one of the five allowable tournaments they are viewed as a separate tournament. Tournament registration fees must be included in the approved team budget.
10.2 Rep teams need permission from the Association Executive to participate in more than five tournaments.
10.3 A list of intended tournaments may be requested by the executive for approval.
11.1 The Head Coach, with consultation from the Bench Staff, has the final decision on whether travel is permitted based on weather conditions. This decision will be made with (only) the safety of the team participants in mind.
11.2 Travel to the US to play games with US teams requires an OWHA Sanction Permit to be completed and authorized by the OWHA. This form can be found on the OWHA website.
12.1 Use of Facebook, Twitter, Email or any other social media/electronic communication in a negative manner will not be tolerated. Any evidence should be forwarded to the Association Executive. Such action may result in a suspension or removal from the NSGHA.
13.1 Head Coaches are free to implement reasonable team rules for players to follow prior to games and practices and away at tournaments. These rules should be presented to parents/guardians and a player prior to the beginning of the season immediately after the team has been selected.
1.1. A team staff can consist of a maximum of seven staff members 2 of which must be Trainers. All OWHA registered teams must have at least one female bench staff registered.
· Head Coach
· Assistant Coach
· Assistant Coach
· Assistant Coach
· Trainer
· Backup Trainer
· Team Manager
1.2. It is recommended that a female parent be selected to act as a change room supervisor. This person would require a current police record check done. Police checks are done through the Director of Teams and Coaches (see Article 1 sec 9.2).
2.1. A team fee may be established by a team that could include tournament entry fees, equipment, warm up suits, timekeeper fees, transportation, specialized coaching or training and additional ice. Additional team fees must be approved by parents with a majority vote. One parent per player would have a vote.
2.2. Each team will have a team budget maintained by the Team Manager. The budget should be presented to the parents by the team staff. Team families must acknowledge, agree and sign. The budget needs to be submitted to the NSGHA Treasurer for review. The Team Manager shall maintain the budget and cash flow position of the team and must be able to supply this information to the NSGHA and all parents on a monthly basis.
2.3. Each team must submit for approval to the executive a list of intended fundraising activities.
2.4. The executive can request a 10% portion of all money raised by a team from fundraising. The money collected would be added to the organizations cash flow.
2.5. Proceeds from fundraising events must be used to offset approved budget expenditures. Fundraising is not mandatory, however only those players that participate in the fundraising event shall receive direct beneficial benefit. Parents wishing to pay their full share of team fees may opt out of fundraising plans.
2.6. Corporate sponsorship money received for a team will be divided equally amongst all players.
2.7. Team budgets must be finalized by the end of the team’s season. Monies owing must be paid in full by all players where applicable refunds will be issued with excess team cash. A record of finalized budgets must be kept and made available to the NSGHA Treasurer. Any outstanding payments owing by players must be reported to the Treasurer. Such players will be ineligible to register as per article 2 registration.
2.8 All NSGHA players are required to provide jersey deposits. These deposits are required before or at the time jerseys are issued to players. Players are responsible for the care and return of NSGHA’s jerseys in appropriate condition. Normal wear and tear is expected, however if jerseys are deemed damaged beyond normal wear and tear, or not returned at all, your deposit will be used to replace the jersey accordingly. The cheques are to recover the costs of damaged jerseys or not returned jerseys, and not for sale to a player who wants to keep. If a player wants to have their own jersey, they can purchase from the current NSGHA jersey provider. House League and Fundamental Players must hand in one cheque for $150, post-dated for April 15, OR $150 cash. We must receive these deposits in order for your daughter to receive their jerseys and be able to play at the beginning or the year. If jerseys are given out without deposit then it is the Team Manager’s responsibility to provide post-dated cheques for the player.
3.1. The Head Coach is ultimately responsible for keeping parents informed. Communication may be done web page, email, newsletters or parent meetings.
3.2. Except where timely intervention is required, parents and coaches must exercise and respect the “24 hour rule” after an incident before confronting each other with concerns or complaints.
3.3. It is strongly recommended that once a team has been selected a meeting be held to discuss team budgets, rules and expectations of the upcoming season.
4.1. The age limitations for each division are determined by the OWHA.
5.1. The Director of Teams and Coaches will ensure all teams have equal and sufficient numbers. Due to the organization size The Director of Teams and Coaches may have to move players to different categories to fill teams according to OWHA rules.
5.2. A player assessment will be done by the Director of House League, Director of Teams and Coaches and team Coaches for divisions requiring multiple teams.
5.3. Teams will be balanced by skill and player numbers. Coaches may protect up to 3 players (ex. coaching staffs children)
5.4. Maximum number of players per team is 16 including a goalie.
5.5. If required players may be traded in an attempt to accommodate requests and to re-balance teams for evenness.
5.6. Teams should be rebalanced within 3 games or sooner.
5.7. Parents should be reminded that teams are not set until rebalancing has been completed.
6.1. Teams will receive ice time as allocated by the Association Ice Scheduler. Ice allotment hours will be determined from the financial budget of the NSGHA determined by the Association Executive.
6.2. Typical ice time will include one shared or full ice practices per week. Games will be in accordance with the SMGHL House League.
6.3. If a HL team sources ice time above what has been allocated by the NSGHA they will be responsible for the entire cost. It cannot be made mandatory for all players to participate in extra ice slots and only those players using the ice will share in its cost. Extra ice cannot be paid for from team fees.
6.4. The Ice Scheduler must be notified immediately of cancelled home ice slots due to weather or other reason. If the Ice Scheduler is not notified and the league is charged the cost of ice slot that fee may be passed on to the team. The VP, Director HL and Treasurer must also be copied. The SMGHL House League procedure for cancelled games will also be followed.
6.5. If a home game is cancelled due to weather and the NSGHA team is able to use the ice for a practice they are encouraged to do so.
6.6. The Coach should ensure fair and equal playing time to the best of their ability.
6.7. No player may be denied ice time without an explanation by the Coach.
7.1. A pickup player is a player who has been asked to play for a higher caliber and/or older aged category team within the NSGHA for the purpose of assisting that team when necessary. Rules and guidelines for pickup players will be in accordance with the OWHA and SMGHL policies and procedures. If using a pickup player in an OWHA sanctioned tournament OWHA policies will be followed.
7.2. Pickup players can be used throughout the season for games, practices and tournaments as long as both teams Head Coaches and the players Parent/Guardian are informed and agree to the affiliation.
7.3. All pick up players must be recorded on an OWHA approved roster. If not on an OWHA current roster, then full registration fees must be paid and roster updated prior to skating with the team.
7.4. Pick up players can be signed to a fill a rooster for a short bench, injuries, adding a goalie, etc. up to the maximum allowable players per team. All SMGHL and OWHA rules for playing must be followed. Player additions must be approved by the Association Executive. Fees will be determined by the Executive.
8.1. League game scheduling will be done between the SMGHL and the NSGHA Ice Scheduler.
8.2. Once the league game scheduling has been completed the Ice Scheduler will add the dates into the master schedule which can be found on the NSGHA website.
9.1. Home teams will provide the game sheet.
9.2. Games will be played as defined by the SMGHL policies and procedures.
9.3. The home team will be responsible to email a copy of the game sheet to the SMGHL House League Convenor for the age division within 48 hours. If the home team has not reported the score, after a period of 48 hours, a 0-1 loss will be assessed to the home team. The convenor email will be provided by the SMGHL to Coaches / Managers at the beginning of each season.
9.4. In a case where there is a suspension, it must be reported by the team within 24 hours after the came to [email protected]. Failure to report the suspension according to regulations will result in additional suspensions to the team. Both sides of the white copy of the game sheet must be submitted.
10.1. Each team may participate in up to three (3) OWHA sanctioned tournaments. Tournament registration fees must be included in the approved team budget.
10.2. HL teams need permission from the Association Executive to participate in more than three tournaments.
10.3. A list of intended tournaments may be requested by the executive for approval.
11.1. Use of Facebook, Twitter, Email or any other social media electronic communication in a negative manner will not be tolerated. Any evidence should be forwarded to the Association Executive. Such action may result in a suspension or removal from the NSGHA.
12.1. Head Coaches are free to implement reasonable team rules for players to follow prior to games and practices and away at tournaments. These rules should be presented to parents/guardians and players prior to the beginning of the season, immediately after the team has been selected.
1. The executive may implement league fundraising activities to help improve cash flow and control costs.
2. It is expected that all members of the organization including parents/guardians, coaches, bench staff and players will support and participate in any fundraising events organized by the organization.
3. All money raised through fundraising activities will be added directly to the leagues cash flow.
4. The use of league cash flow including fundraising will be presented by the Treasurer in a full financial statement and budget at the AGM for the upcoming season.
5. If the association deems it necessary to fundraise and you chose not to participate then you will be required to pay $50 per event to a maximum of 2 events per year. The Director of League Sponsorship and Fundraising will monitor and enforce.
1. The manager will be the main link for information between the coaching staff, players and executive.
2. Depending on the coaching staff, Managers may be asked to look after or should consider the following:
· Read the NSGHA Policies and Procedures and Constitution found on the website. It can answer a lot of questions.
· If you are on a rep team read the Southern OWHA policies and procedures found on their website. The Southern OWHA is the governing body we play for.
· If you are on a HL team read the SMGHL policies and procedures found on their website. SMGHL is the governing body of the HL league we play for.
· Read the OWHA policies and procedures they are the governing body over everyone found on their website. Most rules for the Southern OWHA and BMHA and our own reference rules found in the OWHA rulebook.
· The Southern OWHA will provide Manager training for rep teams. The rep director or the director of coaches will provide information to teams on training dates. It is mandatory for rep managers to attend this training.
· For question, contact the appropriate board member, the director of rep or director of HL.
· If you are on a rep team do not contact the OWHA or Southern OWHA directly. You must go through the director of rep.
· Help ensure all coaches/bench staff and/or change room volunteers they have submitted an up to date police check.
· Keep all team records, including the team budget, player information forms, player contact information and any other documentation required for the operation of the team.
· Submit to the executive the team budget, list of tournaments if requested.
· Submit the team fundraising activities to the executive.
· Rep team roster information must be submitted to NSGHA Registrar by August 1. House League team roster information must be submitted to NSGHA Registrar by September 15. Once returned from the league, ensure the team roster is signed and submitted back to the NSGHA Registrar who will forward to the league registrar to receive the team official roster. NOTE: The team is not permitted to begin playing games or enter into tournaments until they have an official OWHA roster due to insurance reasons.
· Collect money from players for timekeepers (typically $10 per player). The league does not pay for timekeepers it is the teams responsibility to pay the timekeeper at all home games. Ensure your timekeeper is paid for each home game.
· Your team requires association socks. Socks can be purchased from Olympia Sports at NSSRC.
· Speak to your coach as to whether or not your team would like name bars. If so, it is your responsibility to organize this and collect payment for same. In order to prolong the life of the jerseys, name bands will not be used on the new style jerseys.
· Your team will need game jerseys. Jerseys will be supplied by the director of equipment or director of HL/rep.
· The league has goalie equipment which can also be borrowed. See the director of equipment or director of HL/rep.
· Ensure that all equipment borrowed from the league is maintained and returned in good shape. If not your team may be responsible for the cost of the item.
· Fill in game sheets for all home games (game sheets are usually given to the coach).
· OWHA player labels are required for rep teams and can be used for HL teams as well. The labels are added to the game sheets which are then signed by the team players and staff. Once your team is done signing the game sheet it should be brought to the visiting team so they can sign the sheet as well.
· After the game sheet is signed by both teams it should be brought to the timekeeper for the game.
· COLLECT the appropriate copy of the game sheet after every game! The timekeeper or Ref may deliver the sheet. If not, it is your responsibility to find them a retrieve your copy. Retain all copies including exhibition and tournament game sheets. They could be requested for reference during the season.
· HL teams should collect the white copy of the game sheet for all home games. These sheets may be required to be delivered to the BMHA association for record keeping. The HL director can confirm what should be done with the white game sheets.
· Rep teams will be required to enter game stats online as will be explained by the Southern OWHA training.
· Make all arrangements for tournaments. A list of tournaments can be found on the OWHA website. Register of your team can typically be done online, from the website of the organization hosting the tournament. If hotels are required they may be booked through the event’s website if there are host hotels already arranged. In addition, North Simcoe Managers have been granted access to Local Hospitality’s convenient group hotel booking service. Simply fill in the group request form on this website, and one of the Local Hospitality’s experienced associates will assist you in securing the best hotel rates and terms at no cost to your team:
NOTE: Payment for tournaments and hotels is the responsibility of each team/player.
· It is not uncommon for teams to request a team fee up front (ex. $300) to cover tournaments, timekeepers and other costs. This can be easier than collecting money often. Speak to your Head coach.
· Obtain and distribute to parents/guardians team schedules for all practices, games and tournaments. Practice and game schedules can be found on our website and tournament schedules will be distributed to you by the host as well usually listed on their website. Be sure parents are aware of the website.
· Emails are typically sent out weekly to parents/guardians informing them of the weekly schedule. Be sure to include arena addresses.
· Be sure to inform coaches to pass along any emails or bits of information to the manager.
· General information from the executive, Southern OWHA, OWHA or BMHA will typically come from the director of teams and coaches.
· Use other managers within the organization for support. Contact information for other managers can be obtained from the director of teams and coaches or the league registrar.
· All executive contact information can be found on our website.
· Ask your Head Coach for a list of all other managers in your division. They are provided with one at the initial scheduling meeting each year.
· Discuss other negotiated or required duties with the Head Coach.
1.1. This Code of Conduct identifies standards of behavior expected of all North Simcoe Capitals players, guardians, parents, coaches, officials, volunteers, directors, officers, committee members, advisors, team managers, trainers, administrators and employees involved in North Simcoe Capitals activities and events, both in and outside the arena.
1.2. Where this code of conduct conflicts with the OWHA code of conduct, the OWHA code of conduct prevails. Otherwise, it is in addition to any code of conduct required by OWHA.
2.1. The parents of a player will at all times learn and follow all NSGHA policies and procedures.
2.2. The parent has a positive obligation to assist the coach and team officials in providing learning and skills development for their child. The parent must show respect for the North Simcoe Capitals and all team officials.
2.3. Any dispute or disagreement with a coach or team official will be handled only through the NSGHA policies and procedures.
3.1. The player will at all times show and foster respect for all other North Simcoe Capitals Members, including her teammates, coach and all coaching staff.
3.2. The player will abide by all team rules.
3.3. The player will, at all times, show respect toward and follow all of the rules and policies of the Association.
4.1. The spectator will not denigrate or show disrespect towards any other spectator, team official, on ice official, timekeeper, opposing player, or opposing member of a Hockey Association.
4.2. The spectator will, at all times, conduct him or her with dignity and display a supportive, positive and encouraging behavior towards all players and teams on and off the ice.
4.3. A spectator engaging in any kind of conduct which would constitute harassment within the meaning of the OWHA policy on Abuse and Harassment will be ejected from an arena and may be banned from all future NSGHA games and activities.
5.1. All players, coaching staff and parents shall maintain the highest standard of conduct at all times. Remember, at every exhibition, regular season, tournament and playoff game YOU are representing our organization as a whole as well as North Simcoe. Set a good example on and off the ice, in dressing rooms, hotels, restaurants and other facilities. We expect the highest level of SPORTSMANSHIP from all member of this organization.
5.2. NSGHA is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Members and participants of the North Simcoe Capitals must conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the values of the Association, which are: fairness, integrity and mutual respect.
5.3. During the course of all NSGHA activities, meetings and events, (including tournaments for NSGHA and outside the OWHA), members shall avoid behavior, which brings the North Simcoe Capitals or the sport of hockey into disrepute, including but not limited to abusive use of alcohol, nonmedical use of drugs and use of alcohol by minors.