Executive nominations for 2021-2022, News (North Simcoe Girls Hockey Association)

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Mar 05, 2021 | Tico Kock | 860 views
Executive nominations for 2021-2022
We will be accepting nominations for the 2021-22 executive. Nominations are required to fill 7 positions for next season. Once the board is elected then positions within the board will be filled by the board. The executive will have 14 members all elected to a 2-year term. Half the executive will be elected in odd years and the other half in even years.  Nominations are required to fill 7 positions for next season. Once the board is elected then positions within the board will be filled by the board. Current executive remaining on board for 2021-22 season:

Tammy King
Dan Pellarin
Aaron Coutts
Wes Parent
Justin Robitaille
Mike McFadden
Tico Kock

Please click <<here>> to fill out a nomination form.

Tay Point Electric
Wes Parent owner 705-718-5138