is underway for the 2020/21 NSGHA hockey season. We are planning for
players to be practicing 2x per week starting September 14/20 for 7
weeks until the end of October. The practice nights are tentatively
booked for Tuesday and Thursday with some weekend hours in Midland. Midland will only have 1 ice surface until further notice and Penetang
has not yet confirmed when their ice will be put in. Registration is
open with a deadline for Friday, August 28/20. It is critical that you
register your player so we can plan our
practice groups.
Groups will be limited in number as dictated by OWHA, the Town of Midland and the Health Unit. An initial fee will be established for the first 7 weeks. Groups will be determined after registration is closed and you will be notified of practice times. All players and parents will be required to complete documentation for both the Town of Midland and NSGHA prior to participating. This will include acknowledgement of new Covid related procedures and health screening prior to each practice.
Plan is dependent upon approval and issuance of insurance from OWHA. Please reference the link from the OWHA referencing the return to play framework.
Again thanks for your patience.