IMPORTANT INFO PRIOR TO FIRST SKATE, News (North Simcoe Girls Hockey Association)

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Sep 13, 2020 | Tico Kock | 1442 views
Covid 19 Protocols

The following is a quick summary of what you are responsible for, with regards to getting your players into and out of the arena safely, and in accordance with all protocols from the Town of Midland, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, OWHA and NSGHA.

Each Player and/or Coach must fill out the following prior to entering the North Simcoe Rec Center PRIOR TO FIRST SKATE: (Failure to do so will not allow your daughter to be on the ice):

  1. NSGHA Protocol Acknowledgement - (Prior to first skate with NSGHA) - Failure to do so will not allow your daughter to participate in the first skate.

  2. Town of Midland, Acknowledgement, Release, Indemnity, and Assumption of Risk Regarding COVID-19 waiver  - (Prior to first skate with anyone including NSGHA. Failure to do so will not allow your daughter to participate in the first skate). If you have been on the ice already, you do not need to do this again.

  3. NSSRC COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire (Must be completed before each skate for the Town of Midland)

  4. Complete OWHA Health Screening Questionnaire for your specific group (Must be completed before each skate and acknowledge when signing in at practice).

All documents can also be found in the COVID-19 Resources menu on the website.