Try out update/restrictions, News (North Simcoe Girls Hockey Association)

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Sep 05, 2021 | Tico Kock | 938 views
Try out update/restrictions
We just want to make all players and spectators aware about the rules associated with the arena. Please see below. We also want to remind you to check our website frequently for scheduling updates. We look forward to hosting try-outs this week and are excited for the upcoming season. NSGHA Executive

The Town of Midland and OWHA have restrictions put in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is very important that these rules are followed so that we can have a successful hockey season. Restrictions are as follows and could change as we go:

- 2 Spectators per player are allowed in the arena. No more than that. Unfortunately, this may mean siblings won’t be able to attend for larger families. This is put in place to keep numbers at capacity limit in the arena as they are only allowed to have 50% capacity.
- Masks must be worn in the building and physical distancing taken place,
- Players of ALL AGES must wear masks until their helmet is on and physical distance in the dressing room areas.  Teams will be given multiple change rooms so that they can do this. The number of people allowed in each dressing room is posted on the door.
- Dressing room washrooms and showers are closed.
- Players are to arrive no earlier than 30 minutes before their scheduled ice time and promptly go to the designated change room to start getting dressed.
- All players and parents must leave the building 15 minutes after their ice time has concluded.
Dan Pellarin 
North Simcoe Capitals